Thursday, May 13, 2010


Helloooo dear readers. This past week was the end of the semester and a frantic few days of move-out followed by move-in. I am in my new apartment in the excellent Mt. Vernon neighborhood, and I am currently internet-less (for now). But I have a cat, so there. Yes I will post some pictures of her.

In the past I have taken a break from posting during the summer, but that will not be so this year. Posting will resume as usual starting Monday the 17th. There will be many sketches of Baltimore this summer, and a healthy amount of projects I have sworn to complete:

0. Make the blog more summery. Expect some cheerier, brighter colors as I update my blog for the season.
1. Business card designs. I will be posting ideas, sketches and finished work as I complete them.
2. T-shirts. My internship at Squidfire gives me the opportunity to print a small number of shirts by my own design. Sketches and product to follow all summer long.
3. Remember THIS post? Yeah, that drawing is still floating around in my head. Time to clear some brain-real-estate and put that drawing on paper.

See ya next week.

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