Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Narrative Illustration week 8

My complete Hercules assignment. Some are better than others.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Life Drawing week 7

I wish I could say the watercolor is mine own, but it's actually painted by my illustration teacher, Jose Villarrubia, who did a watercolor demo in class today and used me as a model. Life drawing as usual. I got a good likeness of the model (except for the missing arm), so I am a little pleased. The longer poses promised to me in the coming weeks will be greatly appreciated.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Studio Remix; Dolphin Collaborative week 1 & 6

My first print of the year at top, and two color versions of my most recent print. Due next is our big independent appropriation of Jon Rappleye's work, after which we continue independent work and finish editioning Jon's prints.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Life Drawing week 6

Can never have enough life drawing.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Another blog is spawned.

I have made a blog now, because blogs are easy to maintain and good venues for instantaneous feedback. Also, since blogs are so informal, I won't feel bad about posting crummy sketches or failed projects. Updates should be regular, and by that I mean whenever I feel like it. Below is a fairly comprehensive summary of my doings so far. Feel free to leave feedback, especially the valuable (read: critical) kind. Don't hold back--I can't punch you through the internet. Yet.

Narrative Illustration week 5

My final spots for two of Raymond Carver's short stories: The Calm and Neighbors.

Narrative Illustration week 4

Here's a sketch for my Herakles assignment (telling the story of Herakles in 1930's New York). I thought the tight penwork might suggest that era even more successfully than costuming and architecture, so I'm going to stick with it (and abandon color) for the finals.

Friday Figure Session Week 3

This model was really muscular and a thrill to draw, and somewhat of a celebrity among models--he modeled for sculptors making the WWII memorial in DC.

Friday Figure Session Week 2

Trying out ink with brush at the open figure session.

Life Drawing week 3

A rewarding long pose of a great model.

Studio Remix; Dolphin Collaborative week 2

Jon airmailed us a drawing on film and the class collaborated to design and print this poster to advertise his lecture the following week, which was very good.

Narrative Illustration week 1

Messing around with stupid trolls in narrative illustration.

Summer 2008

Some plein air pen and ink drawings from Colorado.